Today is Tuesday, November 15th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2192
"And I assure you this:
I, the Messiah,
will publicly honor you in the presence of God's angels
if you publicly acknowledge me here on earth
as your Friend.
I will deny before the angels
those who deny me here among men."
~ Luke 12:8,9 LB
Bible Commentary:
"We deny Jesus when we:
* hope no one will thinks we are Christians;
* decide not to speak up for what is right;
* are silent about our relationship with God;
* blend into society;
* accept our culture's non-Christian values.
By contrast, we acknowledge Him when we:
* live moral, upright, Christ-honoring lives;
* look for opportunities to share our faith with others;
* help others in need;
* take a stand for justice;
* love others;
* acknowledge our loyalty to Him;
* use our life and resources to carry out his desires rather than our own."