Today is Wednesday, November 16th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2193
Sometimes when I 'go' and 'do', I have titles such as 'teacher' or 'co-chair'; among others.
Last weekend, our community came together for a large fundraiser held as we rally around the needs of Jack Conlon's family. Five-year-old Jack is being treated for an aggressive brain cancer.
Jim and I showed up to eat, bid on a few items at the silent auction. I contacted a few area businesses, asking them to contribute an item or two for either the silent or live auction.
My role: to be there; along with hundreds other community members.
Last night, our county foundation had a donor appreciation dinner. I didn't have to speak or organize the program.
Once again, my role: be there!
For the past ten years, I have led our ecumenical group of gals "Marys & Marthas" (aka M & Ms). Many of those in the group thank me for my leadership, which I appreciate. But I am also aware that a 'leader' can only 'lead' when others 'follow'.
Leaders/organizers are very important to any group or organization.
If we have the God-given talent, ability and/or time, we are to lead.
But there is another very important role; to be there!
If God asks us to 'be there', we must never minimize that role.
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that You allow each of us to surface to the top at times in our communities, organizations, and families. Thank You that You ask us to 'be there' for others and for You, as we serve You. Thank You that we also have a role in Your Forever Family. Thank You that have told us that You 'will never leave us nor forsake us'. Thank You for always 'being there'. In Jesus' Name. Amen.