Today is Friday, November 25th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2200
Another milestone - wow! 2200!!
How about a little humor?
Taken from a flip calendar titled "365 Great Clean Jokes":
What starts with T,
ends with T,
and is full of T?
Diner: Waiter! You have your finger on my steak!
Waiter: Well, you don't want it to fall on the floor again, do you?
Why don't Amish people water ski?
Because the horses would drown.
What can say every word in every language?
An echo.
Principal: There is the fourth time you've been in my office this week.
What do you have to say for yourself?
Sam: I'm so glad today is Friday!
Mitch: Why do you have three pairs of glasses?
Dale: One is for driving;
the second for reading;
and the third is for looking for the other two!
It is truly said that children brighten a home----
they never turn off the lights.
Which Bible character had no parents?
Joshua. He was the son of Nun.
Teacher: Please tell me something important that
didn't exist fifty years ago.
Student; Me!!
What was Noah's profession?
He was an Ark-itect!
What do you say when someone throws a goose at a duck?
Duck, duck, Goose!!