Today is Wednesday, January 25th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2243
This Bible verse talks about tackling a job. Who among us hasn't spent more time thinking about or dreading doing some job than actually doing that task. This verse and commentary tells us to 'just get started':
"Be strong and courageous
and get to work.
Don't be frightened by the size of the task,
for the Lord my God is with you;
He will not forsake you.
He will see to it that everything is finished correctly."
~ I Chronicles 28:20 LB
Bible Commentary: King David advised Solomon not to be frightened about the size of his task as king and builder of the Temple. Fear can immobilize us. The size of a job, its risks, or the pressure of the situation can cause us to freeze us to do nothing. One remedy for fear is found here---don't think about fear, just get to work. Getting started is often the most difficult and frightening part of a job.