Today is Monday, March 12th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2271

The middle of January, fourteen Wright County residents traveled to Haiti as part of a Medical Mission team.  They were gone for one week and worked together under the umbrella of three Catholic Churches from our county.
Among other activities, the troupe conducted six medical clinics, where they treated more than 1,000 people.
I had the privilege of interviewing a portion of the team for a human interest story, published in a local daily newspaper, the Fort Dodge Messenger.
A couple of the comments stood out for me from the story which told me a lot about the Haitian people.
One of the three physicians who traveled together was Dr. Mike Whitters. He said one lady with AIDS was brought to them in a wheel barrow. "She was so sick," he said. "They knew we are Americans, but we can't always help. We did had the opportunity to pray over her, asking God for His care and her peace."
And how much did the Haitian people appreciate what was being done for them?
Since the team from Wright County was in Haiti for one week, they had the opportunity to attend a Catholic mass on Sunday morning. Local nurse Monica Staudt said, "The people brought to us a black goat and two chickens as a gift, to pay for what we had done for them." She said the animals were left for use by their Catholic school, but was much appreciated by the short-term mission team.
The next time you hear someone tell 'what others in the world think about Americans', remember a couple of Haitian people who brought their loved one to a handful of Wright County medical professionals. These people believed that the 'Americans can do anything!'
Remember, too, that Haiti is one of the two poorest countries in the world, yet they felt moved to 'thank these Americans' for what the medical team had done for them by sharing several of their only assets with those who had come to help them! Their generosity was truly amazing! Sharing the little bit of their only worldly possessions with those who were doing for them which they could not do for themselves!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for generous people in our world. Both people from America willing to share their time and talents with people much less fortunate. And people from Haiti who were willing to show their appreciation and thanks. Both examples of how You want us to live. In the Name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.
