Today is Thursday, March 15th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2274
Several unrelated thoughts for the day:
'Quotable Quotes' from the April 'Reader's Digest':
'Do your little bit of good where you are';
it is those little bits of good
put together
that overwhelms the world.'
~ Desmond Tutu
"I swear that ten minutes talking with my dog
makes me feel better
than forty-five with my therapist."
~ Author Richard Yanney
Two things we saw while on vacation in the southern United States:
At the bottom of some of the Kentucky license plates:
Now and then across Louisiana, most near New Orleans,
we would see pink background billboards
and huge letters (no radio station call letters; no reference to a sponsoring group);
Have you noticed the harder we try to put God in a box
in our world,
He has a way of not staying there?!!
"Are you so ignorant?
Are you so deaf to the words of God -
the words he gave before the world began?
Have you never heard nor understood?
It is God who sits above the circle of the earth."
~ Isaiah 40:21, 22a
In my notes in the margin of my Bible, heard from someone in a Bible study one time:
"This part of the Bible was written before anyone believed the world was round;
they believed the world was flat!"