Today is Wednesday, April 4th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2288

A couple of verses from Acts as Peter began some of his preaching and teaching:
"O men of Israel, listen!
God publicly endorsed Jesus of Nazareth
by doing tremendous miracles through him,
as you well know.
But God, following his prearranged plan,
let you use the Roman government
to nail him to the cross and murder him.
Then God released him from the horrors of death
and brought him back to life again,
for death could not keep this man within its grip."
~ Acts 2:22-24 (LB)
Bible Commentary:
"Peter began with a public proclamation of the resurrection
at a time when it could be verified by many witnesses.
This was a powerful statement because many of the people listening
to Peter's words were in Jerusalem 50 days earlier at Passover
and may have seen or heard about the crucifixion
of this 'greatest teacher.'
Jesus resurrection was the ultimate sign
that what he said about himself was true.
Without the resurrection,
we would have no reason to believe in Jesus."
