Today is Thursday, May 10th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2314

As Karen's Korner readers are more than a little aware of the national attention our local group, Marys & Marthas (M & Ms for short) received the end of April, being recognized and receiving $10,000 for our community's group effort of making a difference, last fall. It was two weeks ago today that our group handed out or mailed checks and gift certificates to nearly one hundred groups and individuals, who helped as, together we did numerous volunteer tasks. It has been fun.
Now nearly every day, my mailbox is brimming with thank you notes. Yesterday was a day that I received four:  two from groups who received dollars, telling us what they did with the funds and two were individuals who were surprised to be given gift certificates. Like a junky, I am beginning to enjoy receiving them. Other M & Ms are undoubtedly receiving some written and verbal thanks as well.
Our gifts were from a few dollars for personal gift certificates to several hundred for clubs and organizations.
As I walked back from the mailbox yesterday, I reflected on how much I was appreciation the notes of thanksgiving. Then I that about how much more God does and has done for me and all of His Children, daily. As Our Heavenly Father, I am sure He enjoys our 'notes' of thanks, as much or more as I am enjoying notes of thanks for those having received our 'one time gifts'.
Heavenly Father, thank You for so many gifts that I can't even list them all! Thank You for every breath that I take, for the sunshine and the rain, for every daily provision. Thank You for family, friends, food, and more resources than I deserve. Thank You for caring for every detail of my life: not only yesterday and today, but for forever. Forgive when I forget to say 'thank you'. Help me to send little notes of thanks to You throughout my day today. In Your Son Jesus' Name. Amen.
