Today is Wednesday, May 16th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2318

Our church family just completed our 31-week study series on "THE STORY" by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. It was a complete look at the Bible, being painted with a broad brush. It was only natural that the last week took a harder look at the last book of the Bible - Revelation.
As the teacher of one of the adult Sunday School classes (which would enter into discussion after our weekly sermons, both on the same topic), I had an 'instruction book' to help lead each week's discussion. I am including a shortened version of the final few paragraphs of our last lesson, it's title was "THE KING IS COMING". It describes those who 'hear and overcome':
Who are the overcomers and what are they promised?
First John is a letter written by the same author - John; he wrote the Gospel of John and Revelation.
We should expect that the same author would use the same words in largely the same way.
Therefore, we should not be surprised that he talked about overcoming five times in this letter.
Check for yourselves in I John 2:13; 2:14; 4:4; 5:4, and 5:5.
(Some translations use the word 'overcome'; others use similar words meaning the same thing.)
He (Jesus) who sits on the throne explained to John the inheritance of the overcomers.
Revelation 21:7 - 8:
"Everyone who conquers will inherit all these blessings,
and I will be his God and he will be my son.
But cowards who turn back from following me,
and those who are unfaithful to me,
and the corrupt, and murderers,
and immoral, and those conversing with demons,
and idol worshipers and all liars--
their doom is in the Lake that burns with Fire and sulphur.
This is the Second Death."
What are the things that overcomers inherit?
The New Heaven and the New Earth and New Jerusalem!
The contrast between 'he who overcomes' and the 'unbelieving' tells us that all believers are overcomers!
All believers
 - you and I -
will inherit the unspeakable blessings of this eternal kingdom
wherein God will be our God and the overcomer will be His son.
By contrast,
those who do not believe and practice the sins of unbelief
will be excluded from the inheritance and judged with the lake of fire
that was prepared for Satan and his demonic minions.
This place of righteous punishment is a place of torment day and night.
What would a person miss if he was not an overcomer?
Then how does someone become an overcomer?
Are YOU an overcomer?
