Today is Thursday, January 10th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2484


Something written and emailed to us by Wilma Gamblin at Christmas. She and her husband lived in Clarion nearly a decade ago, where he served as pastor of our local Nazarene Church(
"Our 34-year-old son, Keith Daniel Gamblin, Sr. went to be with the Lord
on Good Friday, April 9, 2004,  twelve hours after being injured at work. 
He was preparing to complete his education to enter full-time ministry
with his wife, Jodie and five children, ages 4 to 14."
Through our tears we submit to YOUR will, FATHER.
YOU did not ask us to choose.
With empty arms and aching hearts, we say,
“Not our will, but YOURS, LORD.”
Though we cannot see YOUR plan,
We know we are in the palm of YOUR  Almighty hand.
Our precious loved one is entrusted
To YOUR loving care.
Because of who YOU are, we are secure and know
YOU are working YOUR higher way.
‘YOUR ways are higher than our ways,’
And we submit to YOUR way.
WE praise you, FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT!
We exalt the Name of JESUS.
YOU are all-wise, all-powerful and everywhere.
We bless YOUR name, JESUS!  YOU are GOD!!
~ Wilma Campbell Gamblin
(written on August 23, 2004)
