Today is Monday, January 14th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2486
You might be/have been a 'fan' of Justin Bieber. Elvis. President Obama. Or former President George W. Bush.
Chances are 'really good' that not one of us is their 'friends'.
In the book "Not a Fan", written by Kyle Idleman, teaching pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, he makes the distinction of being a 'fan of Jesus' and a 'friend of Jesus'.
He might ask, "which one are you? Does your life reflect what you believe?"
In a short excerpt:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdome of heaven,
but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day,
'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name
and in your name drive out demons
and in your name perform many miracles?'
Then I will them plainly, 'I never knew you....."
~ Matthew 7:21-23
"In verse 21, we read, 'Not everyone who says......but only he who does......' Jesus makes a distinction between fans and followers by contrasting the word 'says' with the word 'does'. We live at a time when we have become increasingly comfortable with separating what we say we believe with how we live. We have convinced ourselves that our beliefs are sincere even if they have no impact on how we live. Let me gave you a few examples of that mentality.
"If I did a survey and asked Americans, 'Do you believe it's important to eat right and exercise?' most all of them would say, 'Yes, I believe that'. American overwhelmingly say their health is important. But the most popular food at state fairs is a bacon cheeseburger with a bun made out of two Krisply Kreme donuts. You're charged extra if you want chocolate-covered bacon.'
"Here's another example: When you were growing up your dad might have said something like, 'I believe in the importance of family. Nothing is more important to me than my family.' But he never made it to your recitals or your games. He was consumed with work and always on the phone. And he may have said, 'I believe family matters most,' but his actions revealed a different belief.
"We are saved by God's grace when we believe in Jesus and put our faith in him, but biblical belief is more than something we confess with our mouths; it is something we confess with our lives.
"So a fan may say 'Lord, Lord', but a fan doesn't live 'Lord, Lord'......."