Today is Wednesday, January 16th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2488
This morning when I woke up, this Bible verse came into my mind, which it does some days:
"This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
~ Psalm 118:24
Bible Commentary: There are days when the last thing we want to do is rejoice. Our mood is down, our situation out of hand; our sorrow or guilt overwhelming. We can relate to the writers of psalms who often felt this way. But no matter how low the psalmists got, they were always honest with God about how they felt. And as they talked to God, their prayers ended in praise. When you don't feel like rejoicing, tell God how you feel. You will find that God will give you a reason to rejoice.
We start the day by rejoicing about the day ahead. And we don't know what the day is going to bring. Like everything connected with God, we rejoice by 'faith' of what the day is going to be like. We might enjoy what happens today. Good opportunity to rejoice. Something happens we don't care much about? Rejoicing and thank God in advance will help us to deal with the 'bad' thing; He'll be there as we go through it!
Rather than being depressed or afraid, let God help us set the stage for 'rejoicing and being glad'.
"Thank you, God, for making today. Thank you for being part of it! We are here to rejoice and be glad."
It's another good day as God made it and is a part of it!!