Today is Friday, January 18th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2490

It was late summer last year when Jim and I made the decision to participate in a 17-day bus trip to northeast United States and up into Canada. We made our deposit and later paid the entire balance, ready for our trip in mid-September.
The day before we were to travel, Jim got a day-long case of what doctors determined was a stomach virus. We couldn't travel. No problem. Travelers with our bank-sponsored trip, require all of us to purchase insurance to cover such cases.
After filling in needed paperwork, we waited to be compensated for the 'trip we couldn't take'..
In a couple of months, we received a letter from the insurance company stating that 'we should have gotten ourselves to the east coast' several days after Jim started feeling better. They were compensating us for one day of the trip. Our checks were enclosed.
I was furious! We had paid for 17 days; we were getting a one-day refund!
I let people at our local bank know what I thought. What I said didn't match some of the thoughts rattling in my mind. I was making plans. And they weren't all nice ones.
The next day I talked with officials at the corporate headquarters. The president of the company saw to it that we were compensated for the entire amount, while the bank and Jim and I waited for, and worked with the insurance company, to return the money.
The matter, since,  has been completely settled by the insurance company as well.
But the morning after we had been given a check, I wanted to return to our local bank to tell them that the matter, as far we were concerned, was handled.
One bank employee, who had I probably tongue-lased the most, said, "Karen, I couldn't understand why you didn't believe we would handle the matter?"
I couldn't believe how angry I had gotten either.
Since, I have thought again and again, "How often do I do that to God?"
I wonder how often He asks, "Karen, I can't believe you didn't believe me." "I can't believe you didn't trust me this time." "Why can't you trust me after all these many times I have taken care of you."
I continually need help. Not only when I don't get the financial compensation I thought I needed, when I needed it! Lots of things........daily!
Jesus said, "Anything is possible if you have faith."
The father (with a demon-possessed son) instantly replied,
"I do have faith;
oh, help me to have more!"
~ Mark 9:23 - 24 LB
Heavenly Father, like the father in the Bible verse above, I need to have more faith. Help me to believe You and trust You more.........maybe just for today. Amen.
