Today is Friday, February 1st, 2013; Karen's Korner #2500

Wow! This is my 2500th Karen's Korner, beginning the first of March in 2003! Thanks to those of you who have been with me since I started writing and editing 'korners'. Thanks to those of you who have been picked up along the way.
Sometimes people believe that they are the benefactors of receiving these weekday writings, either mine or by others. But it is me who God probably blesses the most! It keeps my focused on Him.........and you daily! Otherwise I would have a tendency to wander and get to something later or in a day or two....
To celebrate #2500, I would like to share something that I learned or was shared with me in early summer of 1977.
With the encouragement of family and friends, I had just begun to write some 'devotional-style' items, one of which was published in the international monthly publication THE UPPER ROOM a year earlier.
Again at my husband Jim's encouragement, I went to a writer's conference for a week in the Minneapolis area. The nearly one hundred of us would meet together several times daily. Later we would break up into smaller groups, depending on the styles of writing in which we were most interested:  poetry, fiction, non-fiction, plays.....
I was in the non-fiction, short story classes led by a published writer in her mid-forties. I'd tell you her name if I could recall it for sure; she had just been through a serious bout with cancer and should not have survived. She was someone with whom you knew 'walked and talked with God'. They were on the same page!
As the week came closer to the end, she shared with the class her concern about America and the direction our country was heading. Because of her concerns, she had gone on a self-imposed retreat for several days to 'talk to God about her fears'.
God had revealed to her: 
"No your country will NOT be healed.
But people will.
So get to work on people!"
Regardless of denomination or lack of one; of political affiliation or not, I doubt there are many of us in our country that don't have concerns about some of the directions of our nation:  morally, spiritually, financially......
A pretty popular Bible verse that has been tossed around a lot in the last few months or years:
"If My people who are called by My name
will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
and heal their land."
~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV
Knowing what the Bible says and what my instructor said, I think I know how 'lands' are healed. We pray, asking God for His help. We believe what He says. And get to work on ''people'....only one; only today. And then we add more people to His Kingdom and His 'forever family'. Then those people do the same. And we don't worry so much our 'land', but about a person or two. All those extras add up to 'a lot' and maybe, just maybe, our 'land is healed'.
If not, people are!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for the opportunity I have, and have had to 'talk' with lots of people each day through Karen's Korner. You have blessed me and them beyond measure. And Father God, help each one of us, just today, to reach out to one other person in our world as we reclaim our world for You. Go before us, so that we can travel with boldness and a clear vision of who You are and what You would have us to do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
