Today is Wednesday, February 27th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2513

Something emailed to me awhile back by Shirley Choat:

Psalm 109:26 — "Help me, O Lord, my God! Save me according to your steadfast love. "

Matthew 14:28-29 — "Peter answered him, 'Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.'   He said, 'Come.'"

I thank God for loving parents who taught me, by example, the love of my Father. I can never remember a time when I asked for help that they didn’t come through. Even when I created my own problems, they were there for me every time.

When I was five I smashed a bottle on the trash barrel, slicing my hand from my little finger almost to my wrist. Dad stopped the bleeding by holding a cloth over it, holding it and me, all the way to town, while Mom drove.

I have numerous others scars with stories to tell, most physical, some emotional, and all attended to by their loving care. There were numerous scoldings, but always a compassion which told me that no matter what, I was loved.

The only times I can remember when they didn’t come to help me were times when I didn’t bother to ask.

So it is with God. God and I have been friends for a long time. Like the parents He gave me, my Father has always answered my prayers. Sometimes He had to say "No." Looking back, I can thank God for those "Nos." The more often I look back on the answers to many of my prayers, the more amazed I am. Some of them seem as amazing as "walking on water"! Why not depend on the One who really can walk on water and really can help you do the same?

Amazing God, I need to meditate and reflect daily on the answers You have given to my prayers. When I honestly list all of the things I’ve prayed about, I am awed by Your generous responses. Keep my sights on You so that I am able to see Your answers clearly as I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

