Today is Monday, September 2nd, 2013; Karen's Korner #2641

September! Wow!!
Since it is Labor Day, I chose to look at 'labor' and 'work' in the Bible. Depending on the many translations, sometimes the words are used interchangeably. Sometimes God just blesses us, but more times I believe He blesses are work and increases our efforts in profound ways:
"My work was to plant the seed in your hearts,
and Apollos' work was to water it,
but it was God, not we,
who made the garden grow in your hearts.
The person who does the planting and watering isn't very important,
but God is important because he is the one who makes things grow."
~ I Corinthians 3:6 - 7
Bible Commentary:   "God's work in the world involves many different individuals with a variety of gifts and abilities. There are no superstars in this task, only team members performing their own special roles. We become useful members of God's team by setting aside the desire to receive glory for what we do. The praise that comes from people is comparatively worthless; invaluable approval comes from God."
