Today is Friday, September 6th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2645

"What a glorious Lord!
He who daily bears our burdens also gives us our salvation.
He frees us!
He rescues us from death.
But He will crush His enemies,
for the refuse to leave their guilty, stubborn ways."
~ Psalms 68:19,20
Bible Commentary:  God frees his people and crushes his enemies. Salvation is freedom from sin and death. Those who refuse to turn to God will be crushed by sin and death. They will be trapped by the sin they loved and destroyed by the death they feared. How much better it is for those who love God and fear the consequences of sin.
Each day, we must deal with our share of earthly burdens. As we face these burdens, the Lord is there to help us bear them. Each morning, praise God for the strength he will send you today. It is as sure as the sunrise.
