Today is Tuesday, September 10th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2647

Readers of Karen's Korner can tell when I like something. I am really enjoying the 'devotions for every day of the year' "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.
This is today's:
"I am always available to you.
Once you have trusted Me as your Savior,
I never distance Myself from you.
Sometimes you may feel distant from Me.
Recognize that as feeling;
do not con confuse it with reality.
The Bible is full of My promises to be with you always.
As I assured Jacob,
when he was journeying away from home into unknown places.
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.
My last recorded promise to My followers was:
Surely I am with you always, to be very end of the age.
Let these assurances of My continual Presence fill you with Joy and Peace.
No matter what you may lose in this life,
you can never lose your relationship with Me.
Several Bible verses Young included to read:
ISAIAH 54:10; GENESES 28:15; MATTHEW 28:20
