Today is Thursday, October 3rd, 2013; Karen's Korner #2664
First, our weekly Bible Quiz; good luck!
!) What animal tempted Eve into eating the forbidden fruit?
2) What disciple betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
3) When Jesus walked on water, whom did he tell to get out of the boat and walk to meet him?
It was foretold in the Bible that a Messiah (Jesus) would be coming to earth. And He did!
When he returned to heaven, He left behind the message: He was coming back again.
When? No one knows!
A couple verses from James; perfect for our harvest season:
"Now as for you, dear brothers who are waiting for the Lord's return,
be patient,
like a farmer who waits until the autumn for his precious harvest to ripen.
Yes, be patient.
And take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near."
Bible Commentary:
"The farmer must wait patiently for his crops to grow,
he cannot hurry the process.
But he does not take the summer off and hope that all goes well in the fields.
There is much work to do to ensure a good harvest.
We cannot make Christ return any sooner,
but while we wait there is much work we can do to advance God's Kingdom.
Both the farmer and the Christian must live by faith,
looking toward the future reward for their labors.
Don't live as if Christ will never come.
Work faithfully to build his Kingdom,
for the King will come when the time is ripe."
Answers: 1) A serpent; 2) Judas; 3) Peter