Today is Tuesday, October 8th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2667
Hiz Kidz, an ecumenical after school program which meets weekly during the school year, is at work in our community for a second year.
Meeting on Mondays, the elementary students have a Bible verse for the 'week'.
Yesterday's was:
"But the Fruit of the Spirit is
and self-control.
Against such there is no law."
~ Galatians 5:22,23 NIV
The verse makes me thing of our apple tree. This is the year for apples; lots of fruit. We picked the apples we could use and could reach; stored them as applesauce or ready for apple crisps and pies. We gave bags and baskets of them to several groups of friends, as they came to pick what they could use.
There were still apples left on the tree; higher and farther out of reach. As the fall wore on, they were bigger, more beautiful.
Within the last week, big, red apples are falling off the tree onto the ground. With bumps and bruises, the lush fruit is being picked up and thrown away.
Like our apples, we possess 'Fruit of the Spirit'. These fruits are designed to be 'picked off the tree' and shared with others; not left to become over-ripe and lost because they have never been 'eaten' by us and used by others in our world.
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for giving us 'fruits', spiritual gifts which can be enjoyed and shared. Thank You that no laws can regulate Your treasures. Help us to recognize who we are and what we possess and help us 'use' these gifts to enhance Your Kingdom here on earth. We don't want to let any of these morsels go to waste; we want to harvest them and share them with others in our world; Your World, which is hungry for what You have to offer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.