Today is Monday, October 21st, 2013; Karen's Korner #2676

I am reading the book "Mother Teresa:  Protector of the Sick" by Linda Carlson Johnson. It is small book written for elementary student readers, but I am enjoying it.
The quick and easy-to-read biography allows us to see God's hand in everything Mother Teresa did throughout her life. She gave everything she was and did to God; His multiplication was fantastic across India and around the world.
Here are just a couple of paragraphs:
"From the first day Mother Teresa left the convent, she operated on faith. Though she only had five rupees to her name, Mother Teresa gave four of them away to the poor. When a Catholic priest asked for the last rupee she had, she hesitated for only a second before giving it to him, even though she did not know where any more money would come from. Several days later, the priest came back and gave Mother Teresa an envelope with 50 rupees in it. From that day on, Mother Teresa said, she knew God would bless her work.
"In 1962, a sister called her from Agra, another city in India, to say that 50,000 rupees were needed for a children's home. Mother Teresa told the sister she did not have the money. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. A man told Mother Teresa she had won an award of money for her work in the Philippines. She asked the man how much money she would receive. He said about 50,000 rupees. Mother Teresa hung up the phone and said, 'I guess God wants a children's home in Agra.'"
Dear Jesus, thank You for examples in our lives of people like Mother Teresa who trusted You completely and did marvelous things with limited resources. You, in turn, blessed them and multiplied them just like You when you were here on earth:  multiplying a little boy's lunch to feed thousands. Help us to trust You today, even in small ways, as we learn that nothing is impossible for you........or us.........if we but put our faith and trust in You. Guide our thoughts and our steps. In Your Name. Amen.
