Today is Thursday, November 7th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2689

Happy Birthday, Billy Graham! Today is his 95th birthday and he will be celebrating with a pre-recorded television special from his home "My Hope America". The broadcasts have numerous times (some dates beyond today!) and television stations. A couple of them tonight are:  7 p.m. - TBN; 7:30 p.m. - Day Star; 9 p.m. Fox News. If you are looking for even more opportunities, check his web site:   Tune in and see what he has to say!
This week's Bible Quiz questions and answers:
1) Who is known as the strongest man in the Bible?
2) What were the names of Adam and Eve's first two sons?
3) In which two books of the Bible can you read about the birth of Jesus?
Yesterday a friend shared a short poem in a small booklet she carries with her at all times. Pam has had more than most of changes and losses in her life and this one has helped her often:
God Heals
"For each and every aching heart
In this old world today
There is a cure -- one safe and sure;
Just this  -- learn how to pray.
"Pour out your aching heart to Him
Who understands and cares;
He is the only one who knows,
The only one who shares.
"God can -- and does -- heal broken hearts,
And gives us life anew;
He's ready  -- waiting -- for your prayers;
He'll do it now -- for you."
~ Mary Lavinia Silvia
Answers:  1) Samson; 2) Cain and Abel; 3) Matthew and Luke
