Today is Monday, November 18th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2696
This is Max Lucado's weekly installment of an daily email I collected a couple of months ago. A chose it, in part, because it was my husband Jim's birthday yesterday!
Some of you may/may not know of a new movie being released this week based on a book written by Lucado of the same name "The Christmas Candle". It is offered in limited release (400 theatres) with the hope of a successful launch which would turn into 1000 theatres the next week. Check the web site to watch a 3 minute trailer and/or learn of a theatre near you: .A friend had the privilege of previewing the movie last week and said it's a good one; one of the kind we want more of being made/produced/distributed! You can help to move the movie forward by your attendance if your schedule allows!
God's Adventure
What is it about birthdays that causes us to quiver so? Certainly part of the problem is the mirror. Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician. But the real pain is deeper. Sometimes a dream-come-true-world has come true and it’s less than you’d hoped. Regret becomes a major pastime.
Luke 17:33 says, “Whoever tries to keep his life safe will lose it, and the one who’s prepared to lose his life will preserve it.” “There are two ways to view life,” Jesus is saying, “those who protect it or those who pursue it. The wisest are not the ones with the most years in their lives, but the most life in their years.”
You can take the safe route. Or you can hear the voice of adventure—God’s adventure. Adopt the child. Teach the class. Change careers. Make a difference. Sure it isn’t safe, but what is?