Today is Wednesday, January 15th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2738
As a teacher of an adult Sunday School class, of 'students' who span eight decades in age, I enjoy at times asking those in attendance, for their thoughts on one member of our group.
Since it was Herb Billman's birthday a couple of weeks ago, he was our focus as he celebrated #94! This is not the first time I have written about Herb in a Karen's Korner. (If you'd like to read about him being a 'war hero' of World War II, you can read about it by going to ; on the left side, click on 'archives', check entries from March 2010 - Karen's Korner #1779))
We spoke of Herb being 'our role model'. While he is 94, he still seems 'young': he walks at the fitness center for a mile every day; picks up stray bottles and cans which have been discarded on county roadways - turning the $ into the church for our young people's Bible Bowl team expenses; in December when a team of church members rang bells for Salvation Army collection - Herb was there taking a shift in very cold weather conditions.
We like his faithfulness; we can count on him. But the thing we have heard Herb say more than once, which could be a message for any of the rest of us (he is the first person to be at our Sunday School class every Sunday!);
"If God can give me 24 hours, 7 days a week,
I can give Him two hours on Sunday morning."