Today is Thursday, January 23rd, 2014; Karen's Korner #2744
I received a puzzle as a Christmas gift. I dumped the 500 pieces out on to our card table to begin the process of putting them back together. As I turned each mismatched hunk over and sorted the 'edge pieces', they covered the entire tabletop.
Then came my efforts to put the messy picture back into something resembling the photo on the cover of the box. As I worked, the puzzle began to come into focus. Now the completed puzzle takes up about half the top of our portable table. And the reassembled picture is complete.
Is this like our lives? When we are 'dumped' on to planet earth, are we an incomplete puzzle? Is God the Master 'Puzzle 'PUT-TER TOGETHER-ER'? As we work in tandem with our Creator, does He help to put the pieces of our lives together? And He unscrambles our incompleteness as He holds the box with the picture of what our lives should look like? He knows where every piece should be placed? As we 'grow up' in Him, we know better and better who we are and better still 'Whose' we are?
"And as we live with Christ, our love grows more perfect and complete.."
~ I John 4:17 LB
Thank You, God, for showing us who we are
and for having a great plan for each one of our lives.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.