Today is Thursday, January 30th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2749

In this man Jesus,
there is forgiveness for your sins!
Everyone who trusts in Him IS FREED
from all GUILT and declared RIGHTEOUS --
something the Jewish law could never do."
~ Acts 13:38, 39 LB
Bible Commentary:
"This is the Good News of the gospel ---
that forgiveness of sins and freedom from guilt
are available to all people through faith in Christ --
including us!
Have we received this forgiveness?
Are we refreshed by it each day?"
Thank You, Father,
for your thoughts, plans, and actions!
You have done it all for us;
help us to accept ALL YOUR GIFTS
and remember Who You are
and Whose We are!
The way You care for each one of us is
UNPARALLELED with anything else in our lives.
In Jesus' Name.
