Today is Thursday, February 6th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2754

I always enjoy it when Karen's Korner readers share something they believe would make a 'good Karen's Korner'. Here is one emailed to me by my cousin Glenys; it was written by her friend Linda:
Have you ever noticed how one day can be so different from another?  Some days we wake up feeling ready to face whatever the day holds.  The very next day can be the exact opposite as we fear what's ahead and don't know how we are going to cope.  When I look back on one of those harder days, I usually notice that I overlooked a very important part of the day:  taking a few minutes to give the day back to the Lord.
    The Bible says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."  This was written by David in Psalm 5:3.  David knew that he needed to put his concerns and requests before the Lord each day and then wait for answers and direction.  According to the Psalm, David's time of day for this was morning. But our God is always ready to hear our concerns, and He waits for us to meet Him anytime of day.  Taking time with Him is the only way we will find His peace, comfort and direction.  It's the only way we will know His will for us.
    A day is a gift from God.  We do Him great honor by returning it to Him for use as He see fit.  Only then are we able to live in a way that will fulfill our intended purpose, but most importantly, glorify God!  And God does promise to meet us, as He says in Jeremiah 29:13:  "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
