Today is Wednesday, March 5th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2768

Today is the first day of Lent for the Holy Season; Ash Wednesday!
Last night, as we were eating pancakes sponsored by our local ministerial association, a couple across the table from us related a snippet from a sermon preached by their former pastor. He said that usually we think of Lent as a time to 'give up something' Maybe this year, it should be a time to 'add on something'.
Or maybe it is a time to choose:  'add on' or 'give up'. As we focus on Him, it is probably always an opportunity 'to do something'! You decide; I need to think about it and decide!
A short thought from Max Lucado:
Our Memory

There’s a direct correlation between the accuracy of our memory and the effectiveness of our mission.  If we’re not teaching people how to be saved, it’s perhaps because we’ve forgotten the tragedy of being lost. If we’re not teaching the message of forgiveness, it may be because we don’t remember what it was like to be guilty. And if we’re not preaching the cross, it could be that we’ve subconsciously decided that—God forbid—somehow we don’t need it.

In what is perhaps the last letter Paul ever wrote, he begged Timothy not to forget. He urged Timothy to “Remember Jesus Christ—raised from the dead, descended from David.  This is my gospel. . .” (2 Timothy 2:8).

When times get hard, when people don’t listen, when tears come,  when disappointment is your bed partner, when fear pitches its tent in your front yard, when death looms, when shame weighs heavily… always remember Jesus!

