Today is Sunday, March 23rd, 2014; Karen's Korner #2780

A note from Max Lucado on Sunday afternoon, as I couldn't email anything to readers on Friday. I am still having some computer problems, so hopefully you receive something you can read!


You don’t to lower your standards.  Or saddle a high horse.  Just be
nice.  Normal and nice.  Discipleship is sometimes defined by being
normal!  You don’t have to be weird to follow Jesus.  You don’t have
to stop liking your friends to follow Him.  Just the opposite.  A few
introductions would be nice.  Do you know how to grill a steak?

A woman in a small Arkansas community was a single mom with a frail baby. Her
neighbor would stop by every few days and keep the child so she could do her
shopping.  After some weeks her neighbor shared more than time; she shared
her faith, and the woman followed Christ. The friends of the young mother
objected.  “Do you know what those people teach” they contested.

“Here is what I know,” she told them. “They held my baby.”

I think Jesus likes that kind of answer, don’t you?

