Today is Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014; Karen's Korner #2797

Last spring we planted a flowering crab tree about twenty feet from the southeast corner of our house. It was beautiful. We did all the things you are supposed to do to get it started:  watered it; fertilized it some; put stakes on two sides and tied it back to keep the winds from causing any damage. We made sure the tie-wires were wrapped to protect the branches from being rubbed.

But as the winter wore on, there was one thing we didn't do:  protect the base of the tree from rabbits and their gnawing teeth! Too late, we noticed it!

No way was the tree going to get the nutrients it needed. "We'll just pull it out and plant another one," said Jim.

But then there was yesterday! I noticed that it was beginning to bud and leaf! I don't know how!

One more thing to celebrate this spring:  new life and new birth. A miracle in the making!

Sometimes life and things around us look a little 'gnawed up'. In the middle of it all that, it's time to look for a miracle!


"Then Jesus uttered another loud cry, and dismissed His Spirit.

And the curtain in the Temple was split apart from top to bottom."

~ MARK 15:37, 38 LAB

Bible Commentary:   A heavy veil hung in front of the Temple room called the Holy of Holies, a place reserved by God for himself. Symbolically, the veil separated the holy God from sinful mankind. The room was entered only once a year, on the Day of Atonement, by the High Priest as he made a sacrifice to gain forgiveness for the sins of all the people. When Jesus died, the veil was split in two, showing that his death for our sins had opened up the way for us to approach our Holy God.

