Today's is a good one from Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence" (they are all good!). All of them are as if Jesus is talking with us (which He does in His Word, from where Young takes her thoughts):
which covers a multitude of sins: both yours and others'.
Wear My Love like a cloak of Light, covering you from head to toe.
Have no fear, for perfect Love decimates fear.
Look at other people through lenses of Love; see them from My perspective.
This is how you walk in the Light, and it pleases Me.
"I want My Body of believers to be radiant with the Light of My Presence.
How I grieve when pockets of darkness increasingly dim the Love-Light.
Return to Me, your First Love!
Gaze at Me in the splendor of holiness, and My Love will once again envelop you in Light."
Today we are to read I Peter 4:8; I John 4:18; Revelation 2:4.