Today is Wednesday, June 11th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2833

Today's 'korner' is the first two verses of Psalm 37. The introduction theme on the chapter says, "Trust the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. This psalm contrasts the wicked person and the upright." The whole chapter is a good one; if you get the chance read the next 38 verses:

"Never envy the wicked!

Soon they fade away like grass and disappear."

~ Psalm 37, 1 & 2 LAB


Bible Commentary;  "We should never envy the wicked, even though some may be extremely popular or excessively rich. No matter how much they have, it will fade and vanish like grass that withers and dies. Those who follow God live in a different manner than the wicked, and in the end have the greater treasures in heaven. What the unbeliever gets lasts a lifetime, if he/she is lucky. What you get from following God lasts forever."


Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for Your plans, Your goodness which far exceeds what our thoughts and minds can picture. We see only today, and maybe tomorrow; we see evil happening in the news and around the world and we wonder. You tell us that those people and their activities will only last a short time compared to eternity. Thank You that You are You and take good care of Your Children.........US! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

