Today is Wednesday, June 25th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2843

We live in an older farm home, which has been in the family for one hundred-plus years. Once in awhile a mouse can make its way into our house; usually in the fall when 'wild animals' are looking for a warm place to land. We generally catch 3 - 4 in October or November. But we keep a trap or two set to keep them all 'honest'.

A couple weeks ago, I heard the familiar 'snap'. Usually there are a few seconds of 'scramble' before 'silence'. Not this time. The scrambling sound continued and continued. I had my husband Jim check it!

Seems the mouse wasn't attracted by the 'tasty morsel' I had on the trap; he was caught by one hind leg. It wasn't going to kill him, but he still couldn't escape!

When I looked at the trap (after Jim had dumped the small critter outside), I saw that one corner of the wooden trapped had been gnawed. He wasn't going down without a fight!

I thought about us. Are we sometimes 'caught in traps'? Some that just happen to us? Others of our own making? When those times come our way, are we just trapped? Or do we struggle to get free? Ask God for His help? Do we gnaw on the corner of the trap? Or just give up, as something from which no freedom can come?

Our mouse, Jim set free. Might be a three-legged mouse, but he regained his freedom!

Dear God, thank You that regardless the traps which come our way, we can bring them to You. Thank You nothing can separate us from Your Love and Care. Show us the way; Your Way! Help us to look to You. Sometimes You helps us out of our maze, with little effort on our part; other times You ask us to 'gnaw'. Help us to 'listen' and 'do', according to Your Will. And help us to celebrate the day...always!  Amen.

