Something emailed to us last week by my Uncle Bud in Tennessee. It was a listing of "D" words used to describe the 'devil', 'Satan', or whatever word you choose to describe 'evil'. If we believe in 'God', ' Jesus', 'good', we also need to be aware that there is an opposing 'force':
"Be careful---watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy.
He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart.
~ I Peter 5:8 LAB
'D' used to describe the Devil:
danger, defeat, discourage, disappoint, disillusion, disenchant, diminish, dishearten, dispirit, deflate, dampen, deject, depress, demoralize, disparage,
dishearten, divert, deflect, draw away, distract, damage, distress, destroy, deprive, deter, defect, disturb, decay, disgrace, drub, dispute, disprove.
dismay, deny, disallow, disrupt, disturb, drain, deplete, desecrate, defile, damage, demolish, dry, dull, drug, deaden