Today is Friday, August 15th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2880

Coming into the weekend, I am sharing the WHOLE chapter of Psalms 43 (it's five verses long!). The theme it says, "Hope in a time of discouragement. In the face of discouragement, our only hope is in God."

Discouragement in ourselves? Our families? Our jobs? Our community? Our church group? Our nation? Our government? Our world? Chances are pretty good there is something that causes us to be discouraged (or at least questioning and wondering).

Here is what the Psalm writer has to say:

"O God, defend me from the charges of these merciless, deceitful men. For you are God, my only place of refuge. Why have you tossed me aside? Why must I mourn at the oppression of my r holy mountain, Zion. There I will go to the altar of God my exceeding joy, and praise him with my harp. O God---my God! O my soul, why be so gloomy and discouraged? Trust in God! I shall again praise him for his wondrous help; he will make me smile again, for He is my God!!


Bible Commentary:  "The psalm writer asked God to send his light and truth to guide him to the Temple where he would meet God. God's truth provides the right path to follow, and God's light provides the clear vision to follow it. If you feel surrounded by darkness and uncertainty, follow God's light and truth back to Him."

