"That evening, the disciples came to Jesus and said, 'It is already past time for supper, and there is nothing to eat here in the dessert; send the crowds away so they can go to the village and buy some food.'
"But Jesus replied, 'That isn't necessary---you feed them!'
"'What!' they exclaimed. 'We have exactly five small loaves of bread and two fish!'
"'Bring them here,' he said.
"Then he told the people to sit down on the grass; and he took the five loaves and two fish, looked up into the sky and asked God's blessing on the meal, then broke the loaves apart and gave them to the disciples to place before the people. And everyone ate until full! And when the scraps were picked up afterwards, there were twelve basketfuls left over! About 5,000 men were in the crowd that day, besides all the women and children." (Total number of people could have been 10 - 15 thousand!)
~ Matthew 14:9 - 22 LAB
Bible Commentary: "Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed thousands of people. What he was originally given seemed insufficient, but in his hands it became more than enough. We often feel that our contribution to Jesus is meager, but he can use and multiply whatever we give him, whether it is talent, time, or treasure. It is when we give them to Jesus that our resources are multiplied."