Our Sunday's church sermon looked at the words 'consequences'. One of the definitions I found: "result or effect of an action or condition".
Seems like we relate consequences to a bad behavior.
The sermon related the 'consequences of seeking God' (we heard Bible verses which went with each, but I didn't jot down all of them!):
1) Leads to Life (Romans 2);
2) Leads to Forgiveness (II Chronicles 7:14);
3) Leads to Blessings;
4) Leads to Provision (Psalm 34);
5) Leads to Understanding;
6) Leads to Rejoicing (Psalms 40).
We know that 'not seeking God' leads to consequences too; but we didn't look at those on Sunday!
Dear Father God, thank You for Your words and Your promises. Help us as we seek You and look to know you better and better. You have the answers to all of life's problems and celebrations. Thank You for Your many gifts of love and life. Lead and guide us today and every day. In Jesus' Name. Amen.