I was raised on farm with my parents and four sisters. While we lived in the 'age of tractors', my dad liked the big draft horses. For most of my elementary school years, we owned teams: Dolly & Bell, then Bonnie & Baldy.
What comes to mind is Bonnie & Baldy. Bonnie, a mare, was the smaller of the twosome and a sorrel. Her larger and stronger counterpart, Baldy, a male, had a lighter coloring. My dad didn't use them much for farming, he'd haul manure into the fields when it was too snow covered for tractors in the spring. Summer time, he'd hitch up the pair for the horse-drawn mower to groom road ditches.
While Baldy was the bigger, when it came time to do something which required the two to really "pull', he'd lean in and then back up. Stronger but not the most effective one. Bonnie, on the other hand, really pulled hard when asked, and she wouldn't quit. Needless to say, because the two didn't always pull together, they didn't always get a lot accomplished.
How often are we asked to 'pull together' on things? Our family? Our local group? Our favorite sporting team? Our school or church? Our various levels of government? Or (you name it)?
Together we can do amazing things! But it takes a 'team' pulling together to get the most accomplished.
Father God, harness us together as we work as 'teams' in various capacities of our lives. Help us to 'pull together' as we work to strengthen our personal lives and Your Kingdom here on earth. We ask that 'Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven." Show us, lead us; just for today. We need You to be the 'driver' of our lives; we ask for Your Power. In Jesus' Name. Amen.