Today is Thursday, October 2nd, 2014; Karen's Korner #2914

Something sent to us by an email friend Shirley Choat; written by Pastor Sydow. A couple of the verses below talk about 'fearing God'. Fear doesn't mean to tremble because Someone plans to hurt us; rather 'fear of God', mean standing back in awe of Someone who loves us and wants to take care of us completely

"Christ Jesus has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel."

2 Timothy 1:10b


"Happy are those who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in His Commandments."

Psalm 112:1


"Honor everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God."

I Peter 2:17


"Either they hated her or they loved her. There was no in-between. Miss Robinson was a teacher to be reckoned with either way. She could be as sweet as pie, but as tough as nails! When we walked into school the very first day, she made it abundantly clear.

"The first thing she told us was that we could be friends or enemies, and we didn't want her for an enemy. She was right! One of the 'big kids' learned the hard way one day. The spit-wad whizzed past my ear on its way to the black board. The splat brought ominous silence. Miss Robinson slowly got up from the desk, walked to the black board to examine the wet missile, then turned and stared at us. Time stood still until she had examined every face. Then she walked to the back, made Ronnie stand up and empty his pockets. The look on her face was enough to kill. Ronnie was wise enough not to argue, and did as he was told. The sling shot was confiscated.

"He lost all recesses and stayed after school every day that week, washing the black boards and sweeping the floor on his hands and knees. (It was several years later before I saw another slingshot at school).

"Miss Robinson was not mean-spirited. In fact, by the end of the year, Ronnie had a crush on her."

"Our God is an awesome God who demands our obedient attention. He loves us with an everlasting love and wants us to love Him in return. There is no in-between. Either we love God or we hate God. Either we obey His commandments or we suffer the consequences. Knowing that God loves you, wants the best for you, and wants our love returned, how will you respond to His Love?"

"At times I take Your Love for me for granted, Dear Lord. There are also times when I think You don't care how I act. Forgive me. I pray that all my actions may be one of love for You. I pray You may see how much I love You by how I act toward others. This I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."


