Because of some of the health issues of our family recently, I received two emails yesterday from friends which I really liked and want to share with you today. Both are 'pass-alongs':
From Caye Chelesvig:
"Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit's wishes....."
~ Ephesians 6:18
"Talking with God about anything and everything gives us a sense of belonging, of being cared for by Someone Who is on our side and Who is all-powerful. While there are times when we need to be very diligent, focused, and set apart as we pray, we do not have to wait until we are in a church, or until we have a specific amount of time, before we pray.
"The best way to be 'unceasing in prayer' is to live a though God is constantly paying attention to us, because He is."
The second one was from Judy Kirstein; the email listed thirty different names for Jesus. I will share some of the information another day, but this is the closing line:
"Jesus has so many titles because He fulfills all our needs. Wherever you are in life, whatever you need, He's got it covered.
"As my father-in-law sometimes says, 'Jesus picked up His cross and said,
"'Hang on to Me. We're going through.'"