Today is Monday, October 13th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2921

Lots of Chicken Soup for the Soul books; here is an wonderful entry from one of them:


"One day, a beautiful but very troubled little girl came through the door of my day nursery. From the very beginning, I became captivated by this child who had little but needed so much. I was heartbroken that a four-year-old could suffer such heartache and pain. She born in prison after her mom had used marijuana, crack, and cocaine her entire pregnancy. The little girl was non-verbal and had very little control. I knew her progress would be a mighty battle.

"Whenever somebody approached her, she became violent for long periods and ended up in a fetal position on the floor crying out. I found myself praying for her day in and day out.

"As months rolled on, I began to bond with this child that no one wanted. She and I worked very hard taking one step forward and four steps back. Daily, we sat in the big rocking chair in my office, swaying back and forth, back and forth. During our rocking time, I sang, 'Jesus Loves Me.' She always settled down and became very still at the melody. Though she never spoke, peace seemed to fill her face as she listened to the song.

"One day after a very long battle, I held my special girl to again calm her fears and pain. In silence we rocked back and forth and back and forth, back and forth. The she looked at me with tear-filled eyes and spoke a complete sentence for the first time, 'Sing to me about that Man who loves me.'

"Blinking back tears, I knew the battle had been won."

~ Alicia Hill

