Today is Monday, December 1st, 2014; Karen's Korner #2956

December 1; wow! Let the countdown begin toward Christmas........and the gift giving!

In the past few months, I have been given and sent lots of things and the pile on my desk has no bottom! Last weekend, I dug out a clipping that someone sent to me. I have no idea who. But I would like to share a portion of it in Karen's Korner today. It is titled "If I could give you one thing......" with the sub-heading "People see you completely different than they way you see yourself", written by Connie Glandon from Charles City, Iowa.

Read with eyes telling the story about yourself. Then think of some other person who could use this message today:

"There is a quote that goes like this, 'If I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.'

"Right now in my family and circle of friends there seem to be so many people who are hurting and going through so much junk in the world. So I am going to take this quote and Connie-ize it for each them.

"My loved one, if I could give you one thing I would give you the ability to see yourself as I do and you would see how competent and brilliant you job interview or technical test can truly measure all the knowledge stored in your magnificent brain and it certainly cannot measure the goodness in your heart or the passion you have for things you love. To me you are a are at a glorious new season in may be alone, but you don't have to be lonely. There are many who are willing to be there for you .... It is good to get comfortable with yourself."

".......if you could see yourself as I do, you would see you are beautiful and funny and that the mirror only shows you what you think, not the truth. Believe me, you are your harshest critic. would see how much of an impact your sweet life has had on our family (friends)......I love you so much. You bring me joy.

" would see how much sacrificing you have done for others over the would see what an amazing, servant-driven heart you have and that you are the nicest person I have ever known........I would tell how thankful I am for you and your ability to tell me the truth even when it isn't pretty. Thanks for putting your arm around me and helping me back on the right path.

"If you are struggling right now because the world seems to be cruel, always remember that there are people out there who see you completely different than the way you see yourself."
