Today is Tuesday, December 9th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2962

"An Ebola Doctor's Return from the Edge of Death" reads the headlines of The New York Times article, printed recently.

Doctor #4 with the deadly disease is Dr. Ian Crozier and he continues to recover with his family who now resides in Arizona.

The Crozier family came to Clarion about thirty years ago. Ian's dad, also a doctor, brought his family of six to our community, when Ian was beginning high school. The family was well-loved and well-received, as they relocated to their new home in Iowa, from their native country in Africa.

A Clarion-Goldfield graduate, the younger Crozier, went to college and medical school in Tennessee. It was early this summer that we learned Ian would be serving a short term in Sierra Leone with the World Health Organization, working with Ebola patients.

After several weeks of his care, Dr. Crozier contracted the deadly disease!

His 'news' was one of the 'best kept' and 'worst kept' secrets in our Clarion area! Stories like his travel fast in small towns; where lots of people know and care for one another. It was the first part of September when several people in town were told that 'Ian had Ebola....didn't want the attention........but would we pray for him?......"

And the word spread. Not wanting the media to get a hold of the information; how do we keep a story like this to stay away from our speedy technology communication and social media?

Everyone knew, what no one was supposed to know......

People prayed; as individuals, in small groups, at churches!

And amazingly, the 'world out there' got the story when the Crozier family agreed to tell it; several days ago.

The good news:  God continues to care for Ian, the Crozier family, as his health continues to improve. As it says in the story:  Crozier had the worst case of Ebola who has survived the disease.....

We continue to pray for, and celebrate with the Croziers, as they enjoy the Christmas season anew.

We can again celebrate a God who takes care of us continually, and performs miracles as real as those we read in the Bible any day.

(I generally don't put web stories in Karen's Korners. If you'd like to read the entire New York Times story, please email me and I will forward it to you.)
