"Hope Among the Wreckage" was the title of Sunday morning's worship message.
The minister started with several photos on the overhead screen showing destruction caused by hurricanes, flooding, and tornadoes. His comment, "Every time there is a major natural disaster, it is followed by the media, non-profit groups, and politicians coming to cover or help with the devastation. They stay for a few hours or maybe even a few days. But the 'disaster' continues for days, weeks, and maybe even years as residents try to clean up and get back to normal."
"While those people or groups can provide some assistance, they can't give what is needed most: HOPE!" he said. It isn't just natural disasters which 'wreck' our lives: relationships are destroyed, marriages crumble, families are pulled apart. There is crime, wars, terrorist attacks, health issues, bodies being drug down by aging or diseases.
God came into the world, along side us; into a world just like ours is today. He was no 'helicopter' man; He lived among us. He saw the injustice, disease, and death. Jesus was the only perfect person ever to live and He righted the wrongs which He witnessed and with whom He interacted.
He offered then, and He offers today: life over death; good over evil; hope over despair. As His followers, we must claim unapologetically what Jesus has to offer the world. If it is at the end of our life or the lives of our loved ones, it is not the end but life is just beginning.
"We must not get pulled away from that faith.....and that hope!" the minister said. "With all the wreckage around us, we must tell others what we see as Christians. We see what others may not be able to see or believe. We have hope!"