Today is Friday, February 6th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3000

Wow! This is Karen's Korner #3000!

Who knew when I started sending out these weekday inspirational thoughts (mine & others), Bible verses and what they might mean, and short thoughts, I would get this big of a collection! It started in March 2003! (And every one of them are archived in .)

Thank you to every one of you who read what I type and send daily!

You may think that you are the 'receiver'. But it is me who 'receives', as I read, study, research, share. I would tend not to be so deliberate or focused each day without knowing that a 'Karen's Korner' needed to be sent. I learn so much from you.........and from doing this. I love some of your responses or requests back. I don't get lots of them daily (nor do I expect them!). God knows exactly how many I 'need'; just and then.

And I have learned so much.

As an ongoing reader, you know me and many of my themes:

* God really loves you and me; don't understand why;

* He is faithful and well-ordered in our lives and in the universe;

* Being thankful is the key to life and good mental health, even what may be happening isn't what we like;

* God is willing to instruct us into 'good living', not trying to spoil our lives;

* What He promises us, He will do;

* Living and enjoying one day at a time, is possible. And it adds up to a good life.

* This life isn't the only one for us to enjoy. There is one coming that is better and lasts for eternity!


In looking back at some of my first Karen's Korners, here are a couple of short thoughts from KK #3:

"When confronted with a Goliath-sized problem, which way do you respond:

'He's too big to hit', or like David, 'He's too big to miss'."

~ Unknown


"No matter what we think nor how we feel;

Jesus and His Love for us always remains the same!"

~ Karen Weld
