Today is Wednesday, February 25th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3013

"Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.

"Praise Him, all peoples of the earth.

"For He loves us very dearly, and His truth endures.

"Praise the Lord."

~ Psalms 117


Yesterday's Dr. David Jeremiah program on Christian radio, focused on 'praise' and 'thanksgiving' and what it does for our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. "Giving thanks isn't just for one day in November," he said. "Read one chapter in the book of Psalms. Then find at least one thing to praise God when you:  look up; look around; and look inside."

I might add: thank God for one thing in your life you 'don't like'.


"Hallelujah! Yes, praise the Lord!

"Praise Him in His Temple, and in the heavens He made with mighty power. Praise Him for His mighty works. Praise His unequaled greatness. Praise Him with the trumpet and with lute and harp. Praise Him with the drums and dancing. Praise Him with stringed instruments and horns. Praise Him with the cymbals, yes, loud clanging cymbals.

"Let everything alive give praises to the Lord! Yes, praise Him!"

~ Psalms 150

