Our Sunday School class is called "Sunday Times" and we briefly study lots of different topics in the course of the S.S. year; sort of like reading the newspaper!
Last week we looked at some of the topics addressed in the 'travel book' by Dr. David Jeremiah titled "Discover Paradise: A Guidebook to Heaven, Your True Home." We will study it one more Sunday.
Here are a couple of highlights and topic headings:
Look forward to:
* GOD who is exciting;
* WE will be exciting;
* OUR FRIENDS will be exciting;
* OUR WORK will be exciting;
* The Size of the City. The size of New Jerusalem is amazing. It is about fifteen hundred miles wide, fifteen hundred miles long, and fifteen hundred miles high. The size is 'far beyond what we can imagine';
* The Pearly Gates. 'The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each individual gate was one pearl' (Revelation 21:21). What kind of oyster does it take to make one pearl for each gate? God isn't limited to building pearls only by oysters.
* The Foundation of Precious Stones. Read Revelation 21:19,20. Those stones are all of the hues of the rainbow.
* Streets of Gold. 'And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass'. (Revelation 21:21). If we look at pure gold, we know that pure gold is not transparent, it's opaque. You can't see through pure gold, but in heaven.......
*The Lamb is the Light. In New Jerusalem, there will be no light sockets, no lanterns, no lamps. The Bible says that in that city. HE will be the Light and there will be no need for any other light because of the brilliance of the Lord Jesus.
* The River of Life & The Tree of Life. If you want to find the throne of God, all you'll have to do Is follow the river, which flows from the throne. On each side of this river are planted not just the tree, but the trees, of life.