Yesterday I took a short walk down the road, south of my farm home, I couldn't help admiring the beautiful corn fields, as I walked. Corn is green, tall.........just beautiful. Lincoln Township, where our fields are, is known for low spots where excess rain water gathers. Hasn't happened yet this year! Rains have come in a timely fashion, at just the right amounts each time.
My next thought was, "Don't get too attached! If we get too much rain, there will be drowned out spots. We will have less than the best corn plants leading up to the 'pot holes'........
But quickly, I grab the next thought, "No, today is the day to celebrate: what is. Not what might not be in the future!"
As I pondered those conflicting thoughts, I wondered how often I do that with other potentially pending things in my life and the lives of others. "Don't celebrate good health too much, another day there might be an illness". What about relationships? Am I enjoying them today? Or worrying about losing them tomorrow? Or governments? Or leaders? Or....?; you make up your own list?
What you and I have today might be tomorrow's history. But all the things we have and enjoy today are worth celebrating. Even if we have 'too much rain tomorrow'. And who knows, tomorrow might be even better than today.
So let's celebrate!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for all the wonderful things which You have given to me/to others. Thank You for allowing me to see and enjoy your beautiful heavenly garden, our Iowa corn fields. I/we don't know what is coming tomorrow, but we are thanking You for today. And trusting You for tomorrow. Regardless what might happen, we know that we can count on You being a part of it! In Jesus' Name. Amen.