Today is Monday, June 22nd, 2015; Karen's Korner #3091

Near Father's Day last year, Shirley Choat emailed me this writing about fathers. I thought that I would save it until this year for a Karen's Korner and send it for Father's Day. I stumbled on to it on Saturday. Too late for Sunday's celebration.

Even though it is 'after the day', dads are still worthy of our thanks for who they are, what they do, and the impact they have, and have ha,d on our lives.

"On Father's Day we pay tribute to the role of father in family life. A good father is more than a paycheck with arms and legs. He is the head of the house, guiding center, protector, source of love and inspiration, model and example for living. We honor father for good reasons.

"God has paid fathers the highest tribute. He has used fathers as a picture of His relation to people. Jesus taught us to think of God as 'our Father in heaven'.

"God is all a good father is and more. He is the source of life; we live because of Him. Because he has put His life and Spirit in us, we are His children and rightly call Him our Father.

"Like a good father, God cares for us and provides for us. He knows our deepest needs and fills them. God disciplines us the way every good father corrects his children. Would a good father not who them the difference between right and wrong?

"Most important, as our Father, God is a person with whom we can share our lives. He is not an object or an impersonal force. He is Someone to whom we can speak. We can pray, 'Our Father who are in heaven' and can expect an answer."

A father who emulates God

Is one who is faithful and true;

A father who emulates God

Is one who is faithful and true;

And if he is honest and strong,

His children will follow him too.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  "Good fathers not only tell us how to live, they show us!

