I picked out two books from the "Little Lending Library", located at the end of our daughter Jamie's street. You might be familiar with the 'larger than a birdhouse' libraries where people 'leave' or 'take' a book!
One of those I chose was Chicken Soup for the Soul 'at work'. Below is the introduction thought:
"A successful businessman traveled to India to spend a month working in one of Mother Teresa's shelters. He longed to meet the tiny nun, but Mother Teresa was traveling, and it wasn't until the day before his departure that he received an audience.
"When he was finally in her presence, much to his surprise, he burst into tears. All the times when he'd been self-centered, busy or focused on his own gain flashed before his eyes, and he felt an enormous sadness that he had missed so many opportunities in his life to give of himself and his resources.
"Without a word, Mother Teresa walked over to where he was seated, put her hands on his shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes, 'Don't you know,' she said, 'that God knows you are doing the best you can.'"
Mother Teresa might say the same thing to you .........and me! 'God knows we are doing the best we can!" And perfect has never been on the list. His grace and mercy are!!